


The eggbeater kick, an essential swimming technique used in sports like water polo, synchronized swimming, and lifeguarding, allows you to maintain a vertical position in water while keeping your head above the surface, hands-free. It's the most efficient way to tread water and requires continuous and alternating circular motion of the legs.

While it might seem complicated at first, breaking it down into smaller steps can make it much easier to learn. Here's a detailed, beginner-friendly guide to mastering the eggbeater kick.

Learning the Eggbeater Kick

Dryland Practice

Performing the motion on dry land first will help you familiarize yourself with the movement pattern, particularly if you're new to this technique.

Dryland Exercise:

Position: Sit on a bench or chair with your feet flat on the ground. Ensure your thighs are parallel to the floor, and your lower legs are perpendicular to it.

Start Movement: Lift your knees and point your heels toward your buttocks, keeping your thighs still. This should create a 90-degree angle at your knees and hips.

Rotation: Rotate your right leg inward, moving your right foot in a counterclockwise circular motion, as if drawing circles in the air.


Next rotate your left leg outward, moving your left foot in a clockwise circular motion.


Alternate Rotation: At the same time, rotate both of your legs opposite of each other.


Video Source Justin Patrick (opens in a new tab)

Focus on creating a continuous, alternating motion throughout the kick. This might require some mental coordination initially, but with practice, it will become more natural.

Practicing in Shallow Water

Now that you're familiar with the motion, it's time to take it to the water. Starting in shallow water allows you to stand and regain your balance if needed.

Shallow Water Exercise:

Position: Stand in shallow water with your feet flat on the pool floor, and your water level up to chest-high.

Float: Bend your knees and lift your feet off the ground, allowing your body to float. You can use your hands on the pool wall or floor for support.

Kick Motion: Perform the same eggbeater kick motion you practiced on dry land. Rotate your right leg clockwise and your left leg counterclockwise in alternating movements.

Balance & Lift: Focus on maintaining balance and generating an upward lift to keep your head and shoulders above the water. Use your hands initially to help with balance.


Video Source SwimLifePro (opens in a new tab)

Practice: Repeat this exercise until you're comfortable with the motion, and can maintain your position in the water without the support of your hands or pool wall.

Practicing in Deep Water

Position: Begin in a vertical position in the water, with your arms either at your sides or out on the surface for balance.

Kick Motion: Perform the eggbeater kick motion, focusing on creating a steady, continuous movement.

Head Above Water: The aim is to maintain enough lift to keep your head above water. This requires finding a rhythm that suits you and maintaining it.

Endurance: With practice, work on increasing the duration you can maintain this position. Start with short durations and gradually increase as your strength and endurance improve.