Entering the water

Entering the Water Safely

Focusing on the basics of entering the water safely can prevent accidents and ensure a positive swimming experience. We'll cover essential steps for safe water entry, helping you become more comfortable in the water.

Finding a Safe Entry Point

Before entering the water, it is important to identify a suitable entry point that ensures your safety. Consider the following guidelines based on your location:


If you are at a beach, locate a lifeguard tower and choose an entry point near it. Lifeguard towers indicate areas of the beach that have been designated as safe for swimming.


When swimming in a lake, look for a designated swimming area. These areas are typically marked by buoys or signs and are regularly monitored to ensure safety.


In a pool setting, it is advisable to start at the shallow end. This area allows for a gradual transition into deeper water and helps build confidence in a controlled environment.

Enter the Water Feet-First

For a safe water entry, always enter feet-first. Whether you are using a ladder or wading in from the beach, avoid jumping in until you feel more comfortable in the water. By going feet-first, you minimize the risk of head or neck injuries, especially when uncertain about water depth.

Gradually Entering the Water

To avoid a sudden shock to your body, it is important to enter the water gradually. Take your time and follow these steps:

  1. Use a gradual approach: Begin by slowly walking into the water, allowing your body to acclimate to the changing temperature.
  2. Splash water on your face and body: Before fully submerging, splash some water on your face and body. This helps your body adjust to the water temperature and reduces the shock when you eventually go underwater.