Open Water Swimming
Open water swimming includes natural bodies of water such as lakes, oceans, and rivers, which can present a variety of unique challenges compared to pool swimming. Here is a detailed guide on open water swimming:
Get Comfortable: The first step to successful open water swimming is to get comfortable in the open water. If you're used to swimming in a pool, it can take some time to adjust to the waves, currents, and varying temperatures of open water. Start by gradually increasing your time and distance in open water, and practicing in different conditions such as calm and choppy water.
Safety First: Always prioritize safety when swimming in open water. Swim in areas designated for swimming, with lifeguards present if possible. Wear a brightly colored swim cap to make yourself more visible to boaters and other swimmers. Consider wearing a wetsuit if the water is cold, and make sure to familiarize yourself with the location of any underwater hazards or currents.
Breathe Bilaterally: In open water, it's important to breathe bilaterally, or on both sides. This will help you maintain your balance and direction in the water, especially if there are currents or waves present. Practice breathing on both sides in the pool before transitioning to open water.
Sighting: Sighting is a technique used in open water swimming to help you swim in a straight line and stay on course. This involves lifting your head slightly out of the water every few strokes to look forward and adjust your direction. Practice sighting in the pool before taking it to open water.
Navigation: Navigation is a key skill for open water swimming. Use landmarks such as buildings or trees on shore to help you stay on course. You can also use GPS devices or swim watches to track your distance and direction.
Train for Open Water: To prepare for open water swimming, incorporate open water training into your swimming routine. This includes practicing in open water conditions, such as swimming in choppy water or in currents. You can also incorporate open water-specific drills, such as sighting and drafting, into your training.
Mental Preparation: Open water swimming can be mentally challenging, especially if you're swimming in a race or a long-distance swim. Practice mental preparation techniques, such as visualization and positive self-talk, to help you stay focused and confident during your swim.
Fuel and Hydration: Open water swimming can be physically demanding, so it's important to properly fuel and hydrate before and during your swim. Eat a balanced meal before your swim, and bring snacks and water with you to fuel up during breaks if needed.