Navigating Currents

Navigating Currents


Understand the Types of Currents: There are several types of water currents you may encounter while swimming in deep water. These include rip currents, longshore currents, and undertow. Each of these currents behaves differently and requires a different approach to navigate safely.

  • Rip Currents: These are powerful, narrow channels of fast-moving water that can move at speeds of up to 8 feet per second. They typically move directly away from the shore, cutting through the lines of breaking waves.

  • Longshore Currents: These currents move parallel to the shore and are caused by waves hitting the beach at an angle.

  • Undertow: This is a subsurface current that is near the shore. It's usually not very strong, but it can knock you off your feet if you're standing in shallow water.

Recognize the Signs of a Current: Look for changes in water color, water movement, or the presence of debris or foam moving in a linear direction. Rip currents, for instance, often appear as a channel of churning, choppy water or a line of foam, seaweed, or debris moving steadily seaward.

Swim Parallel to the Shore: If you're caught in a rip current or longshore current, don't try to swim directly against it. Instead, swim parallel to the shore until you're out of the current. Once you're free of the current, you can swim back to shore.

Stay Calm: If you find yourself caught in a current, it's important to stay calm. Panic can lead to exhaustion, which can be dangerous in deep water. Remember that most currents are relatively narrow, so if you can keep your wits about you and swim parallel to the shore, you should be able to escape.

Use Floatation Devices: If you're not a strong swimmer, consider using a floatation device when swimming in deep water. This can help you stay afloat if you're caught in a current.

Swim with a Buddy: Again make sure you never swim alone in deep water. Having someone else with you can provide assistance if you get into trouble.

Know Your Limits: Deep water swimming can be physically demanding. Be aware of your own physical limitations and don't push yourself too hard.

Learn Lifesaving Skills: Knowing how to perform CPR and other lifesaving skills can be invaluable when swimming in deep water. Consider taking a course in lifesaving skills before you venture out into deep water.