Streamline Glides


Glides are an essential swimming skill that involve pushing off from the side of the pool and moving smoothly through the water. Glides can be done on the front or back, and they're a key step in learning how to move effectively in water before adding strokes.

Front Glide

  1. Stand facing the side of the pool with your feet planted firmly against the wall.
  2. Bend your knees slightly and push off from the wall.
  3. Stretch your arms out in front of you, keeping your body as straight as possible. Your hands should be close together, and your face should be in the water.
  4. Glide as far as you can. Try to stay near the surface of the water and maintain a streamlined position.

With a Noodle or Lifejacket

The process is largely the same, but the flotation device can provide extra stability and confidence. Hold the noodle in front of you or ensure the lifejacket is securely fastened, then push off from the wall. The device can help you stay at the surface and maintain your position during the glide.

Back Glide


Make sure you are looking behind you before you push off from the wall to make sure no one is in your way.

  1. Stand with your back against the side of the pool.
  2. Push off from the wall, extending your arms above your head and keeping your body straight. Your hands should be close together, and your face should be out of the water. Make sure you don't jump off the wall, you want to focus on pushing yourself off across the water.
  3. Keep your face up and your head back. Try to stay near the surface of the water and keep your body as flat as possible.
  4. Glide as far as you can, maintaining your position with your core muscles.

With a Noodle or Lifejacket

Again, the process is similar, but the flotation device can give you extra support. For a noodle, position it under your arms and across your back. For a lifejacket, ensure it's securely fastened. Then, push off from the wall and maintain your position. The device can help you stay at the surface and maintain a streamlined position.

Practice taking small breaths during your glides. This will prepare you for breathing while swimming strokes. Remember to keep your body relaxed and use your core muscles to control your movement and direction.

Photos from Swim Central (opens in a new tab)